Alex teaches and embodies the heart of the dance as the dance teaches and embraces the spark of the heart. Beyond thought and beyond words to the pulse and the passion and the practice of being truly alive. With clarity, humanity and gentle audacity, she opens up minds and bodies to what we really are.. living miracles.
Gareth Davies I really liked how direct, insightful, straight and tender yet decisive and straight forward you were. I found that calming and invigorating. As well I loved your music - you had beautiful songs. Punky, fun, exhilarating, lifting songs as well as deeply touching, sphere transforming, grounding and nurturing songs. To me it was one of my most wonderful and intimate experiences I had in my life. I felt so much bliss, joy, admiration for my self and everybody else. I felt so at home and secure and content. Britta (5 day Heartbeat) |
Nice Things Said
For 25 years I've witnessed Alex Mackay as a dedicated embodiment of all the maps of our 5Rhythms mandala. In her committed practice, a willingness to continue moving, exploring and seeing herself through the deep awareness of her own rhythms. In her teaching, a lyrical playfulness delivered with mystery, creativity, and maturity.
The more we co-created along her path studying our God, Sex, & the Body maps, the deeper my respect has grown for Alex's embodied presence of the shapeshifter -- a soul dancing without attachment and with intention to unearth the uniqueness and balance of nurture and action, of fascination and adventure, of intuition and integrity. Jonathan Horan Alex's space holding is beautiful. Her classes are one of the reasons West Wales captured my heart. Dancing in them has been truly healing, transformative and expansive. Her teaching style is non intrusive... simply the way of her being creates an immense amount of saftey, presence and spaciousness in the room. It's magical Naomi Watching you dance is simply unique and inspiring. It's really like you're out of a comic book, there's so much genuine playful joy in your smile and dedication to dance, your hair is swirling like a wild cloud above you, everywhere around you are feet and legs, arms and hands, dozens of them, everything dissolves in the fast movement, it's really incredible. Thank you for this beautiful workshop in Rome, Oliver Thank you so much for coming to Slovenia and leading this unique workshop God, Sex & the Body. After two months, there are still many processes going on inside. With these 6 archetypes, I got a structured view of the forces that act in me, so I could more easily figure out what was happening. I reminded myself that I had always believed in magic. Now the archetypes are in the process of balancing and I am learning to trust, to rely on my cosmic mother and father, to know that they are and have always been there for me and that it is safe to be me, it is safe to bring joy and love into this world. I'm amazed at how you (easily and naturally) hold space for so many people, how you see/feel everything that is going on in every corner of the room with every dancer, and how you take care of every soul when it is needed. And you do it in such a gentle non-invasive way like a butterfly, but at the same time very grounded. Wow, you rock! Thank you so much for your visible and invisible support, for creating such a safe space full of love and acceptance, and for bringing so much awareness with all the spoken phrases/patterns typical for the archetypes. I loved when you (many times) danced by as if by chance, when I discovered one of the repeating patterns and with your own movements encouraged me not to take it too seriously, to play with this pattern, to make even a caricature out of it and then to release it, to dance it out. Wow, this was such a powerful experience! I love humor to lighten up heavy emotions, but I never thought to use humor in a movement practice, to use humor and playfulness in/with my body Jana Thank you for Shadows in Budapest in Feb - it's led to some much needed shifts (even breakthroughs) in my life/relationships, and hope to dance with your teaching again! Hannah I never cease to be inspired by the quality of your attention, humour, inventiveness, creativity, willingness to risk and experiment. And yet hold the circle so safely with wisdom and compassion and understanding. Such a large soul in quite a small body …. your dance bursts through from another dimension. Kate Thank you Alex. I woke up today and did my daily (zen) meditation. And I felt different. I felt more grounded. More in my body than in my head. Yesterday was like a flow. A creative flow something beyond words but still in words. I have a deep faith in stillness and silence through meditation but in that stillness there is so much movement and wisdom. Karen The textures, sensations and subtlelty of last year's Mosaic residential held me for a long time. It was artistry. Left me wanting more - I highly recommend. look forward to dancing with you again. Ann If you ever feel that your sense of wonder is in need of refreshment, a weekend with Alex is a pretty good prescription. Ben "Alex´s workshop two years ago, was fantastic. She created a very safe space and was so lively and alive in her teaching. The music was entertaining, new, different and interesting. Such a great mix. I found a completely new connection with the Rhythm of Lyrical. It brought back beautiful childhood memories and I found a precious reconnection with my inner child. For a long time after the workshop, and even still, I feel how a playfulness and curiosity that I had lost, was rediscovered in the dance." Helga I want to say I always love your invitation to dance just as you are - what it does for me is take away pressure to even dance the rhythms as they are meant to be danced which is such a relief when things aren't going like you think they should!! this means that your workshop is always fun for me from start to finish Mira "You're the John Peel of 5Rhythms"
Indigo She is a teacher of great subtlety and tenderness who opens up new ways of being. She sees with the clear eyed regard of a raven and acts with the quiet precision and delicacy of a deer. Alex is creative, impassioned and compassionate in her approach |